Today I am
twenty-five. Two-Five. A quarter Century. 1/4 of the way there. Rent-a-car age.
My quarter-life crisis commences when?
I don't feel any
older. I don't feel like I'm much different than I was a year ago. Maybe a little more
mature (debatable by some), a little smarter (a master, remember) and maybe a
little wiser. They say wisdom is knowing that you know nothing; so yes, I am
definitely wiser. Yesterday I spent the day with my best friend--
my furry, high-pitched barking, wild-eyed, soulful best friend. We went
for a long hike in the woods, got coney island hotdogs,
picked lilacs, listened to music a little too loudly, went for a swim (well he did anyway) even if it's more like wading in the water instead of actual swimming,
and then played agility on a beautiful evening with good people-- the sun
setting over the cranberry bogs behind us. That was my birthday present to
myself, and it was the best.

There are some things that I wish would have happened by now. But also many more things that I wasn't sure would have happened that have. That makes sense, I'm sure of it. There are too many good things in this life to list, and I'm not sure I would be able to do them all justice anyway. It's good to feel like I'm where I'm meant to be at this moment, though. This moment-- right now, right here. I'm happy, I'm comfortable. But not I'm not content, and I think in itself is a good thing. Contentment means that nothing needs to change and I think change needs to happen-- probably a lot of it. Nothing that is too overwhelming right now though, things that will happen in time... naturally. Things that I'm fine with letting happen as they need to. Also a good place to be.
So maybe
change will come in this unfurling year. Maybe I'll get to the other
side of that hill next spring. Maybe my writing will be published. Maybe
surroundings will change, adventures will be had, trips will be taken, new
friends will be made.
Twenty-five is an age marked by maybes, decisions,
unknowns, and a world still left incredibly un-explored. Here's to what's to
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