Monday, March 24, 2014

Full Circle

Last week I started a happiness challenge. You must post a picture each day of something that makes you happy for 100 days. It's been easy up until tonight. Today the thing that made me happy isn't something I would be able to capture in a single picture, so instead I'll try-- probably unsuccessfully-- to capture it in words.

A special person was able to say the things I most needed to hear tonight-- and remind me of some things I had forgotten (no matter how briefly). She reminded me that I have the best dog in the world; the best one I could have asked for; the one who gives everything he has; the dog who hikes and goes on adventures with me. The dog with the face that is permanently smiling-- the face I probably take too many pictures of. She made me remind Bolt of those things, even though I already think them. They need the reminder sometimes too.
 She changed my energy, the energy in the room & helped us connect again. The reminder is what I needed going into this weekend. I feel like I've come full circle. I feel light, and happy about this week. I feel like we left training in the most perfect way I could have hoped for. No matter what happens, I have the best teammate I could have ever hoped for & I can only try to be what he deserves too.

Sorry for forgetting that tonight, Bolt & thank you Diane for being the best coach when I most needed it.

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